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What Does a Property Manager Do?

What does a property manager do

Real estate investors are highly self-sufficient, independent thinkers who ask great questions. They want to know where their money is going, what benefits they’ll receive when paying for a service, and how that translates into building a portfolio that provides security and wealth. Our favorite question, of course, is: What does a property manager do?

In order of importance, here’s a list of everything great property managers can do for real estate investors.

Generate positive cash flow

Investors take a risk buying rental properties. A good property manager understands that risk and knows that time and occupancy rates are of the essence. Here’s how property managers generate cash flow for investors quickly and reliably:

  • Set rents that are appealing to the local market
  • Market properties to a local target audience
  • Select applicants who will pay rent on time every month
  • Collect rent from all tenants

It’s all about the rent. Collecting that rent depends on many factors that a reliable property management company can manage so owners see positive cash flow.

Protect landlords from costly legal and tax situations

Laws protecting tenants and property owners vary from state to state and even within local municipalities. Those laws are in place to protect everyone from unfair or discriminatory housing practices, and it’s a property manager’s job to follow local and state laws when vetting tenant applications, writing leases, collecting rent, and even handling evictions.

In addition to following local and state laws regarding landlord-tenant agreements, property managers also provide monthly income and expenditure reports that keep property owners apprised of a property’s performance. That information helps owners make investment decisions, such as making upgrades and renovations or identifying opportunities to sell a property to maximize profit.

Property managers also provide owners with tax documents necessary for annual IRS filing. Those include yearly investment property expense reports and 1099 forms so owners can claim rental property income.

Keep properties in good repair

A well-maintained property will provide income much more reliably than one that falls into disrepair. Property managers make sure that valuable rental investments continue to provide owners with cash flow by regularly providing the following services:

If you’re a property owner looking for an experienced property management company with a record of success, Class A Management is ready to handle all your property investment needs. 

What do property managers do: comprehensive management

The correct answer to “What do property managers do?” should be “everything!” Finding a property management company that offers comprehensive property management services doesn’t have to be time-consuming. Contact us today to learn more about how Class A Management can relieve you of some of the burdens of rental ownership while protecting your investment and helping grow your portfolio. It’s what we do.

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Property Management Benefits: 10 Signs It’s Time to Hire the Pros

Property management benefits blog post image of a confident woman, smiling while sitting at a computer.

Updated September 2023

Wondering whether it’s time to investigate professional property management benefits? Here are 10 signs that you might need to hire a property management company and make your life a whole lot easier.

10 Situations in Which Property Management Benefits Property Owners

1. Limited Time and Personal Commitments

Do you find yourself juggling multiple responsibilities, personal commitments, and a full-time job? Managing an entire property on top of everything else can be overwhelming. By hiring a property management company, you’ll save time and have the peace of mind that comes with knowing your property is being expertly handled by professionals.

2. Tenant Screening and Placement Headaches

Finding quality tenants is critical for the success of your rental property. A property manager will handle the entire tenant screening process, including credit checks, background checks, and verifying employment and rental history. This will minimize the chances of problematic tenants, lease violations, and rental income disruptions.

3. Rent Collection Hassles

Are you tired of having uncomfortable conversations with your tenants about rent collection? A property management company will handle all rent-related matters, ensuring consistent and timely collection. They’ll also enforce late payment charges and handle any necessary legal actions in case of non-payment.

4. Maintenance and Repair Issues

Responding to maintenance requests and arranging repairs can be a major headache. A property manager will handle maintenance issues promptly, utilizing a network of reliable contractors and vendors. Your property will be regularly inspected, ensuring necessary repairs are identified and handled before they become major problems.

5. Compliance with Tenant Laws

Navigating the complex legal issues that come with owning a rental property can be unnerving. Property management companies are well-versed in local laws and regulations, and will ensure your property is compliant with landlord-tenant laws, fair housing regulations, and any other legal requirements.

6. Marketing and Advertising

Struggling to attract quality tenants? Property managers are experts in marketing and utilize a variety of channels to advertise your property, including online listings, local publications, and social media. They’ll ensure your property stands out, minimizing vacancy periods and maximizing your rental income potential.

7. Handling Evictions

Evictions can be stressful, time-consuming, and emotionally draining. Property managers will handle the entire eviction process, adhering to legal protocols, and ensuring timely removal of non-compliant tenants. They’ll minimize your involvement, saving you considerable stress and frustration.

8. Financial Management

Keeping track of rental income, expenses, and financial statements can be overwhelming. A property management company will maintain accurate financial records, providing you with regular reports that detail income, expenses, and cash flow. This ensures transparency and simplifies tax preparation.

9. Market and Rental Rate Changes

Setting the right rental rates can be tricky. Property managers conduct market research and analysis to determine the optimal rental rates for your property. This helps maximize your profitability without pricing your property out of the market.

10. Peace of Mind

Last but not least, hiring a property management company provides you with peace of mind. Knowing that experienced professionals are handling all aspects of your property—from marketing and leasing to maintenance and tenant management—allows you to focus on your other priorities—personal or professional.

Reap the Benefits of a Great Property Management Team

If you decide it’s time to hire a professional property management team to help you in the day-to-day and operations management of your multifamily property, our team is ready to help. Contact Class A Management today to learn more about the benefits you’ll tap into by partnering with our team. Call 817-295-5959 or email

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20 Must-Ask Questions When Vetting a Property Management Company

How to Choose the Best Property Management Company blog graphic.

If hiring a property management company is on your list of action items, you need assurance that the company’s management team delivers what your tenants, your property, and your investment portfolio needs.

Property Management Company Vetting: A 20-Question Checklist

Aligning on these key needs begins with asking the right questions during the vetting process. Here are a few questions we’d like prospective clients to ask, as well as a few you might not have thought of.

  1. Do you have a list of references? This should be offered before you ask, but at the very least, you need a list of 5-10 property owners you can call directly to ask about their experience with the company you’re considering.
  2. How many units are you actively managing? Understand this answer in context; a small, local company with hundreds of units under management may be stretched thin, while a larger company managing thousands of units could have tried-and-true systems in place to make sure there are no gaps in management.
  3. What does your property manager hiring process look like? A property management company that hires exceptionally well and has low turnover has the ability to manage relationships on many levels, and processes that work.
  4. What services do you offer? Not every company offers what you need, so understand their limitations from the beginning. Feasibility studies, for example, can be an added bonus if you’re actively building your investment portfolio.
  5. What is your pricing structure, and what other fees can I expect to pay? Unexpected fees can hurt your profit margin, and you’ll need to know what percentage of rent a property management company charges and what extra fees to expect when comparing prospective management companies.
  6. How do you handle maintenance? Is there a markup? A great property management company will hire and manage maintenance staff in-house, and has access to third-party repair companies they trust in the event they’re needed. Know in advance what you’ll be paying for maintenance services.
  7. What maintenance reserve do you require? You’ll need to know how much capital to set aside for reinvestment into your property for regular and unexpected maintenance jobs.
  8. What does your onboarding process look like for new properties? It’s important to know what to expect and who will walk you through getting set up as a new property owner under contract with a property management company.
  9. What is your average vacancy rate? This is something a great company will know by heart, and be proud to share. Check average vacancy rates in your area to establish a benchmark for comparison. As of August 2, 2023, the national vacancy rate reported by the U.S. Census Bureau was 6.3 percent. That number varies by geographical region.
  10. Do you have a standard lease agreement? If so, ask to see it. Ask if you have any input in creating a custom lease agreement for your property.
  11. How would you describe your relationship with tenants? Double check this answer against the property management company’s online reviews.
  12. How do you attract quality tenants? Ask about marketing tactics, screening tools, and tenant selection standards.
  13. What is your eviction rate? Renewal rate? A low eviction rate is great and speaks to a quality tenant recruitment process. A high renewal rate means quality tenants stay a long time, which is ideal for any rental property.
  14. Do you offer a tenant portal? A company that makes it easy for tenants to pay rent will likely collect more rent in a timely fashion. If tenants can submit questions or service requests via the portal, that means better reporting for you and higher renter satisfaction.
  15. How do tenants contact you? Multiple points of contact means fewer tenants feel disconnected from their management office. That’s a win.
  16. How would you describe your response time to tenant or owner questions? Typically, one to two business days is acceptable. Taking weeks to respond is not.
  17. What’s an example of a property issue that you handled well? Listen for attitude, adaptability, and innovative thoughts. Pay close attention to procedures that work well for any situation.
  18. What type of reporting should I expect, and when? This needs to be clear from the beginning. You need regular updates on your property’s performance, vacancy rates, rents collected, and progress on any large maintenance projects.
  19. How do you handle vacancies? Are there fees for vacant units? Some property management company policies state that fees are collected on vacant units. If that’s the case, the answer to the first question and question number 9 will be critical in your decision-making process.
  20. What is your community management philosophy? Here’s where you can get an idea about a company’s approach to community building: events, engagement, and tenant loyalty are key factors in building a successful and happy multifamily community.

We Help You Ask the Right Questions

At Class A Management, we’ve been managing single-family and multifamily homes for our clients successfully for more than 40 years. We think our services and track record are pretty impressive, and we like sharing stories about our communities and developing customized strategies for yours. Reach out anytime to ask about property management company vetting questions, or to set up a time to ask us all these questions and more. We offer the service and experience you need to grow your investment portfolio and value.

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Single-Family vs. Multifamily Property Investment: Which is Right for You?

Multifamily property investment image next to a single family property investment image.

Updated September 2023

Interested in adding to your real estate investment portfolio, but not sure whether a single or multifamily property investment is right for you? The two types of property investments have their distinct benefits; so, let’s look at a side-by-side comparison of what each option brings to the table.

The Benefits of a Single-Family Property Investment

  1. Easier entry point. Single-family properties often have a more accessible price point compared to multifamily complexes, making it an excellent starting point for novice investors or those with limited capital.
  2. Wider market appeal. Single-family homes typically attract a larger pool of potential tenants, including individuals, couples, and small families. This broader appeal can minimize vacancies and enhance rental income stability, without the occupancy rate concerns multifamily properties can bring.
  3. Lower resident turnover. Families or individuals tend to stay longer in single-family homes, often favoring the stability of extended leases. This means reduced turnover and maintaining a more consistent rental income stream.
  4. More control. With single-family investments, you have a higher level of control over the property and can make decisions regarding maintenance, renovations, and decor choices without the buy-in of (or potential for criticism from) multiple tenants.

The Benefits of a Multifamily Property Investment

  1. Economies of scale. Owning multiple units under a single roof allows for potential cost savings since expenses—such as maintenance, repairs, and management fees—can be more efficiently applied in multi-unit properties. This may enhance your overall profit margins.
  2. Diverse income streams. With multifamily properties, your investment isn’t solely reliant on a single tenant. A vacancy in one unit won’t jeopardize your entire income, as the rent from other occupied units can offset the loss.
  3. Streamlined management. By consolidating your investment into fewer properties, management becomes more efficient. You can potentially reduce time spent on admin work and direct your attention to growing your portfolio or exploring new investment opportunities. What’s even better? Hiring a property management company that specializes in apartment management.
  4. Lower vacancy rates. Multifamily properties tend to experience lower vacancy rates due to higher demand and the convenience they offer, especially in today’s housing market. A multi-unit building with desirable amenities attracts tenants seeking affordability and convenience.

Partner with Class A Management Before You Buy

Ultimately, the choice between single-family and multifamily properties hinges on your investment goals, market conditions, location, and personal preferences. Remember, seeking the advice of property management professionals or experienced investors can provide valuable insights tailored to your specific situation.

Which investment type is right for you? If you still need help deciding, the professionals at Class A Management are here to help. We offer market analysis, feasibility studies, and pre-purchase consulting that comes with more than 40 years of successful property management experience. Contact us today at 817-295-5959 or, even before you buy.

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How Property Management Companies Deal With Hoarders [Infographic]

Image of hoarding situation featuring clothing, boxes, and trash many property management companies must face.

Property management companies have to be prepared to manage a great variety of people, personalities, and the challenges that can accompany them. That includes tenants who keep everything – including trash and food – in hoarding piles throughout their rental property.

What is Hoarding?

The idea of hoarding may be fascinating. It’s certainly garnered the attention of a national audience enough to create a few popular television shows. But, what many don’t realize is that hoarding is a real disability with far-reaching implications. See the Appfolio infographic below to learn more about this disorder.

Infographic explaining hoarding and how it may affect property management companies that have to deal with damage from tenants who hoard.

Believe it or not, hoarding is a disability protected under the Fair Housing Act. It cannot be used as a qualification criteria.

What this means for property owners and property management companies is you need to understand people who hoard, and what steps to take when addressing a problem situation before it gets too far out of hand.

Property Management Companies’ Hoarding Nightmares

You can control and protect yourself and the property against the potential issues posed by people with bad credit, criminal records, and prior eviction lawsuits. What you can’t control are the unknowns that come with every other tenant.

Take Ms. Brown in 2A, for example (names and apartment numbers have been changed, don’t worry). She moved in two years ago and seemed to be the model tenant. She was always on time with her rent, quiet and respectful, and kept to herself. But, several months ago, she stopped coming out except on the rare occasion to take out the trash. Even then, other tenants noted odd behavior, and commented on the length of time it took her to discard the bag. Sometimes she even decided not to do so and returned with it to her unit instead.

It was when her neighbor in 1A started complaining of a smell wafting through the vents that it became necessary to take action. The owner, friends, and family were utterly shocked to discover the conditions in which Ms. Brown had been living, at least for several months, if not more.

What Hoarding Looks Like in an Apartment

Mrs. Brown had stacks of items grouped in every room in her apartment. She used every available surface to stack and store a wide variety of items—from old newspapers, bills, and magazines, to boxes and boxes of toiletries and paper goods.

Even the bags of trash were sitting by the door. She said she was going to go through them to see what she could salvage.

What Rights do Property Owners and Property Management Companies Have When it Comes to Hoarders?

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, “Hoarding is the persistent difficulty discarding or parting with possessions, regardless of their actual value. Commonly hoarded items may be newspapers, magazines, paper and plastic bags, cardboard boxes, photographs, household supplies, food, and clothing.”

While it may seem like a harmless condition, the potential threats to a rental, and especially to multifamily properties, include:

  • Damage to floors where items are stacked
  • Interior decay from collection of trash and other items
  • Fire hazards from collection of paper goods and flammables
  • Obstruction hazards that make access difficult in case of emergency

And these really just scrape the surface.

Relationships Can Help Identify Issues

Know your tenants, and talk to them regularly. Property management companies focus a lot of time on developing relationships between tenants and management, for many reasons. Mrs. Brown’s neighbors noticed a problem, and management was able to get some help and address property issues before her hoarding got too far out of hand. Does your property manager have that kind of relationship with tenants?

Contact Class A Management for more information about the importance we place on community development and creating connections with the tenants and families we serve.