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Invest in Your Property’s First Impression

Invest in Your Property’s First Impression

Some properties make a great first impression. It’s called curb appeal and paying attention to it can make your property easier or more difficult to find, while also helping you keep good tenants. 

Time to fix an existing eyesore

Take a good look at your investment property through the eyes of a prospective tenant. What is your first impression?  If you don’t want to live there, it’s time to make some changes. Address any peeling paint and lackluster landscaping right away. If you ignore curb appeal, all the high-end interior finishes in the world won’t make much difference. Your property will stay vacant, and your portfolio will suffer.

Prevent the ugly with regular maintenance

Sticking to a regular maintenance schedule is the most effective way to keep your property in tip-top shape, looking its best to attract your ideal tenant. Don’t neglect seasonal landscape changes, especially tree and hedge pruning. Touch up exterior painting when and where it’s needed. Add finishing touches when you can, and don’t be afraid to spend a little money. The return on investment you receive by achieving 100 percent occupancy justifies the relatively low cost of exterior maintenance. 

Enlist tenants’ help

Current renters can help keep your property looking great, or they can ruin its drive-by charm. Ensure your tenants do their part to keep trash and non-running vehicles off your property. Also, encourage them to add their own tasteful touches to their home’s exterior, such as potted plants.

Create a lasting first impression with Class A Management

If your investment property needs help with curb appeal and creating a first impression that attracts your ideal tenant, Class A Management is ready to take on the challenge! The development services offered by our experienced team can help you decide on the best exterior (and interior) remodels or upgrades to heighten the appeal of your property.

Contact Class A Management today to keep your property from becoming a slum (or at least looking like one). We know what renters want and can use an objective eye to create a property that is in high demand.