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Generational Insight: Marketing to the Mature Generation

Also known as the Silent Generation, Matures were born between the mid-1920s to the early 1940s. They married young, work hard, are family-centric, and are known civil rights activists. They have lived through World War II, the Korean War, Cold War, and Women’s Liberation. Most notably, many of them were children who lived through the Great Depression.

Because of what they have lived through, Matures are loyal, value-driven, extremely traditional, and trusting. In terms of marketing, multifamily owners and managers should consider this when choosing channels and crafting messages. Here are some tips:

  • Traditional marketing tends to be more popular (newspaper, talk radio, printed collateral)
  • Social media is growing
  • Face-to-face conversations build trust and provide more opportunity for detail, so invite them in for a tour
  • Coupons work well

Encore Perception Marketing suggests the following approach to digital and print advertising: “When using imagery in your ads, use one image over a collage of images. They are fond of lifestyle images of a group or family and love pet images. Because of their limited eyesight, they prefer simple fonts and subdued colors. If marketing to them via your website, make sure your message uses an authoritative, respectful tone and includes information from experts in your industry.”

A Mature Decision

Need some assistance creating a marketing strategy that will reach all generations? Contact the professionals at Class A Management. Contact us at 817-295-5959 or send us an email to
