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Infographic: Stages of Marketing

Just when you thought marketing your property couldn’t get any more complicated, the pros over at reveals secrets from the Multifamily Social Media Summit. And, in case you were unaware, a renter doesn’t open up the phone book and point blindly to the property he or she will next call home. There is, in fact, a very detailed process every renter goes through, meaning multiple opportunities for a property to enter into the list of prospects and come to dominate the choices.

While it may feel overwhelming, this is actually a great chance to see inside the minds of prospective renters and tap that knowledge in developing a content strategy that will enable you to reach them effectively. put together the following infographic detailing out the stages of marketing involved in this process so you can do just that.


Can we help you make sense of it all? The professionals at Class A Management understand these stages and the methods most effective for targeting prospects during them. Contact us to learn how we can help. Call 817.284.1411 or send us an email to